Safari Trip July 2018

Safari Park Letter 2018 All parents/carers should receive a copy of this letter during this week. Please return the reply slip as soon as possible. Many thanks

Storytelling at the Unity Theatre

Our children walked down to the Unity Theatre for a magical storytelling session with Theatre Artist Pippa Pixley. Read more about it and see the photos here: Storytelling at the … Continued

May 2018 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is ready for you to read with lots of important diary dates! May

Open and Fun Day 2018

We had a fabulous community day in glorious sunshine! Check out the photos here: Open and Fun Day 2018

April 2018 Newsletter

Read the latest news about our eggs and chicks, and also important dates for your diary. April

Open and Fun Day 12 May 2018

Bring family and friends to our Open and Fun Day. We will be showing off everything that is best about Abercromby with Forest School sessions, drumming classes and a chance … Continued

March 2018 Newsletter

Our March newsletter is now ready for you, with the latest news and dates for your diary. March

World Book Day and Stay, Play and Learn

We had a fabulous week celebrating stories and books together, with our two Stay, Play and Learn sessions and World Book Day. We opened our new Story Sofa lending library. … Continued

February 2018 Newsletter

Our February newsletter is now ready for you to read with exciting news about our new “Story Sofa” and book borrowing scheme. February