We had the most fantastic Celebration Day! All our children and families came for our end of year garden party – with beautiful singing, a delicious bring and share picnic, Mr Stix the entertainer and ice creams! It was just so special to all be together!

The afternoon started with everyone joining in with our “Hello” song, where we sang and said hello in all the different languages spoken by our community. Oak Tree Room then lead us in their favourite songs, “I can sing a rainbow” and “wiggly woo”. Next it was Willow Tree’s turn and they sang “the wheels on the bus” and the “happy song”.

All children were presented with tie dye T shirts that they had made themselves, a lovely souvenir of their time with us. Some children decided to wear theirs straight away.

We then tucked into the most delicious picnic lunch – thank you everyone for bringing your favourite things for us to share. Mr. Stix then entertained us with magic, songs and games; he was so funny!

Our perfect afternoon was rounded off with ice creams! And it didn’t rain…

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