We accept 2 year old children in the term following their 2nd birthday.

Nursery places are awarded following these criteria in order:

  1. children classed as being “looked after” (all schools must have this as a top priority)
  2. children with an Education, Health and Care Plan
  3. children who are eligible to receive a 15 hours place for disadvantaged 2 year olds

For working families of 2 year olds, eligible for the funded 15 hours for working parents, or who wish to pay for sessions, the following criteria will also apply:

  1. children who have a brother or sister at the school already
  2. date of application

To find out if you are eligible for 15 funded (free) hours for disadvantaged 2 year olds, please check the criteria outlined on the 2 Year Old Application Funded (Free)

To find out if you are eligible for 15 funded (free) hours for working families please go to childcare choices.

Your child’s name can be placed on the waiting list any time prior to their 2nd birthday.

To find out more about our school please watch our Welcome Video.  You can also ring the school and make an appointment to look around.

Sessions are available over 5x mornings or 5x afternoons as follows:

MORNING SESSIONS are from 8.30 am to 11.30 am

AFTERNOON SESSIONS are from 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm

We will try to accommodate your desired sessions as best we can, subject to availability. You can find out more in our Admissions Policy

To register your child at the Nursery, please complete the form below and return to the office, or call us on 0151 709 5114 or email abercromby-ao@abercromby.liverpool.sch.uk

2 Year Old Application Funded (Free)