School Information
Maths Quality Mark
During the academic year 2015-16, Abercromby took part in the Liverpool Early Years Mathematics Quality Mark award.
This helped us focus on how well we teach mathematics in the Early Years and the experiences we provide.
As our children are very young, this is all hands on learning through play based activities, and takes place everywhere inside and outside. For example, inside, children might count how many pieces of toast are needed for everyone to have snack, compare light and heavy buckets in the sand, whilst outside, children might order sticks they find in the garden by length, or use a sand timer to measure turns on the bikes.
We also have designated Maths areas in each room, where children can access a range of activities to develop ideas of number, calculation, shape, space and measure.
At the end of the project, we were assessed by an external advisor, and we were delighted to receive the Gold Award, recognising the excellent quality of Mathematical learning taking place in Abercromby. Have a look at the beautiful glass plaque we received in recognition, hanging in our Reception area.